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These 6 hidden ingredients could really harm you

Maltodextrin, azodicarbonamide — the ingredients in processed foods often read off like pronunciation tongue twisters, but it’s important to understand them.

“You have to look at the ingredients and the quality of ingredients,” says nutritionist Haylie Pomroy, author of the upcoming book “Fast Metabolism Food Rx” (Harmony, Feb. 23).

Here, nutritionists break down which ones should raise a red flag as well as those that sound harmful but are OK to include in your diet.

Bad for you:

Agave nectar: Found in bottled iced tea and granola bars, this sweetener is natural, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. It can have more fructose — which drives up blood sugar and can serve as a catalyst for weight gain and diabetes — than corn syrup, Pomroy says.

Maltodextrin: Typically corn-derived, this additive is used to thicken everything from crackers to ketchup. “Scientists believe that it has some … addictive properties … it intensifies cravings,” says Pomroy.

Azodicarbonamide: This flour-bleaching agent is used to make breads soft and elastic, but, perhaps disturbingly, it’s also used to do the same for rubber products like yoga mats and flip-flops. Australia and the UK have banned the use of this chemical in food, since it can potentially induce asthma and allergic reactions, and there are calls to ban it in the US.

Soy protein isolate: Used in breakfast cereals and granola bars, this soy plant derivative packs lots of protein, says New York-based nutritionist Tanya Zuckerbrot. The problem: It’s high in isoflavones, compounds that could potentially promote estrogen-sensitive breast cancer when consumed in high doses. Eating moderate amounts, however, is OK.

Titanium dioxide: Used to whiten sweet treats or prevent caking, this chemical was recently ditched by Dunkin’ Donuts in its powdered-sugar pastries, as high quantities of the nanoparticles in the chemical could be potentially harmful.

“A lot of people believe it’s a neurotoxin,” says Pomroy. The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety also lists the chemical as a potential human carcinogen.

Potassium bromate: It’s banned in the EU, Canada and Brazil, but is still found in the US, typically in bread. While the additive — which bleaches dough and gives it an elastic texture — is typically cooked out of breads, any remaining amount is potentially carcinogenic.

OK to eat:

Castoreum: This additive found in flavored yogurt, ice cream and candy is actually derived from beavers’ anal glands — gross! — but it’s a safe, natural flavoring, Zuckerbrot says. The compound’s smell and flavor can range from vanilla to honey to strawberry.

Xylitol: This natural sweetener — common in sugar-free gum — is dangerous for dogs, Pomroy says, but safe for humans. “The name sounds very chemical-y,” she says, but xylitol derived from hardwood or beech — not corn — is generally healthy. Though it doesn’t contain fructose, it’s best to limit consumption as it can induce stomach problems like diarrhea if eaten in large amounts.
